the other side of the planet


The first song is also the title of this album is:

"The other side of the planet"

This song carries all those associations that we wanted to disclose unconditionally. It is the optimal introductory part to start to listen to this album. "Did you see the other side of the planet?" is the same as "Did you consider the other side of the medal?" or the same as "Can you imagine a totally different world and totally different rules"? This song could have been much longer than it actually is.

Total time (all songs): 37:05

"Eyes in the dark" - the second song - embodies special spiritual and mentally fantastic imaginations. With "the accident" we remind of a sad event at the 11th of march 2011, which may have tremendous consequences for mankind. The opus "Like a machine" shines some light on an interesting phenomenon of our western working society.

"The trace" is the story about a long search and about a vague initial success in this search. "This is altona" rises the special atmosphere in a quarter of a german city. "What is right" is an acoustic song about the difficulty to indicate the truth in an environment of many disturbing signals. "Jenny B." finalizes this album with a melodic ballad about fate and love.