
Basic Note

All Copyrights of the songs and graphics on this site, apart from very few explicitly named exceptions, are possessed by "enroe". They are valid in form of the Creative Commons License "by-nc-nd" © 1997 - 2024:

So the Creative Commons License "by-nc-nd" is the valid license for all songs and all graphics of this site. You can download the exact wording of the license here (format PDF).

So, what does it all mean?

For Songs:


You are allowed to listen to and to download the songs of this site. You are allowed to give songs of this site to friends and acquaintances for their private use - with the constraints of paragraph (2) and (3). Without explicit permission you are not allowed to change any song. Especially you are not allowed to change or modify the mp3-tag of any enroe song.


If you intend to change or cover a song, or if you want to create a remix of a song, or if you like to change, cover or remix parts of any song you need an explicit written permission. You can request such a permission via e-mail:

Please describe your intention shortly and inform us about the range of your project concerning your intended use in mediums, airplay and other possible environments.


If you intend a commercial use of one or more songs of any kind you need an explicit written permission in form of an agreement. You can easily trigger the procedure for such an agreement by sending an e-mail to:


For Graphics it's all similar:

All copyrights of the graphics and pictures, which are not explicitely marked by an author and his copyrights, are possessed by "enroe". They are valid in form of the Creative Commons License "by-nc-nd" © 1997 - 2021. You can download the exact wording of "by-nc-nd" here (format PDF).


You are allowed to download and use any image or graphic for an non commercial purpose. In this case you are obliged to name the origin (author and website) of the picture. If you use the picture on a website you must provide a link to the "enroe"-site. Only if you use graphics of this site commercially you need a written permission of "enroe". So if you want to employ any graphic commercially just send an e-mail to:


Exception: If you are a journalist or a reporter you are allowed to use all images of the "press-info" paragraph (see button below). You can utilize, edit and publish those materials freely.