privacy statement


This website does not store any personal data except those data which are technically unavoidable. Also there are no third-party plugins which try to store any data.

Detailed privacy

If you surf on this site and listen to songs of this site there are no person related data which are recorded or stored - except those recordings which are absolutely not avoidable because of pure technical reasons on the server level. There are no third-party plugins (Google, Facebook, Apple, advertisement tracker, analysing tools or other tracker) which secretly record any personal data. Here cookies are not set. So this site is as tracking-free as technically possible and you can surf here at pleasure.

If you create a guestbook entry the IP-number will be stored additionally to the entry itself. This is necessary in order to identify robot-entries, fake-entries, misuse and spam and to delete these improper entries afterwards.

Each IP-number stays safe in the guestbook as long as the guestbook entry exists. The IP-numbers won't be transferred or spread to any other place or institution. The IP-numbers won't be used for statistical analyses or for any other evaluations. Users can move a claim for a deletion of their IP-numbers at any time.

According to the EU-GDPR (=General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union) IP-numbers are "person related data". Yet IP-numbers are "weak personal data", because they can't be assigned to a single PC or a single person without considerable effort.

For the maintenance of the server of these website so called "logfiles" must be stored necessarily. These logfiles contain the following data: 1. IP-number 2. Session-ident-number 3. Technical attributes (Browser-ID, Operation system, Referrer). The logfiles are necessary for the maintenance of the server, especially for CPU-load-checks, for databank-load checks and for the prevention of server attacks. The logfile data are stored on the server only. They won't be given to a third party except there is a specific court order. These data will not be used for person related statistics or any other person related evaluations. The person related part of these data will be deleted after one week.

Legal base

This privacy statement is based on following laws: 1. Edict of the EU-GDPR (=General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union) 2016/679 of the 27th of april 2016. 2. §5 Telemediengesetz TMG 2003 (Germany).


Nearly all websites of the internet store person related data in manifold ways. Especially third-party plugins of Facebook, Google and uncountable advertisement services track all personal data they can get. Nearly all websites put session-cookies and even tracking-cookies on your PC or Mac.

On this website it is completely different: Here no user related data will be stored or tracked at all, except those "weak" data which are technically absolutely unavoidable.